Friday 29 August 2014

My favourite occasion

I think that everyone has a lot of special occasions to celebrate like birthdays, award ceremonies or aniversaries, but in my opinion the best occasion to celebrate is christmas, a time of the year that I love since I have memory, because it is on holidays, the house is decorated and all the atmosphere is about peace and good wishes to everyone.

On this celebration everyone receive a present from Santa Claus and I think that is incredible believe in that magic man who also has reindees that fly. I loved Santa Claus, and every christmass eve my brothers and me were so excited wating him. Now, of course, I don't believe in Santa, but I think that was so lovely believe in the magic that also could afford you to do great things and be a good person.

Actually, I don't remember the christmas celebrations when I was a child, but I have seen familiar videos where I look very happy. I can't remember if that happiness was for all the presents or if it was for the importance of being together as a family. Probably was for the first reason and is expected, because I wrote the letter to Santa with a lot of time until christmas and, of course, as a child I loved presents and toys.

I think that when I grew up toys where less important to me and the dinner with family took a special part of the occasion.

Take my good wishes for next christmas and don't lose the magic.

Friday 22 August 2014

A country that I would like to visit

A place that I would like to know is Machu Picchu, located in Peru, because I have seen it on TV and I think that is amazing how people built somethig so beautiful and with a lot of symbolism.

Also I have studied a little bit of Inca's culture and to me they were very intelligent. They had knowledge about maths, astrology and engineering that is reflect in the build of aqueduct, ways and general construction. Also they had special skills weaving.

First, I would like to go there on holidays for fun, maybe with my family or friends. I would take a lot of pictures for the memory, buy souvenirs to my friends, eat the magnific peruvian food and maybe know more places near Machu Picchu. Also I would like to talk with local people to learn more about the place and be in contact with them to go years later as an archaeologist researcher.

I think that Machu Picchu would be very motivated to start researching Inca's culture. Then, I would study their influence in Chile.