Friday 26 September 2014

The greatest Chilean of all time

I had never thought about the greatest Chilean of all time till now and I didn't know who could have that category.
Investigating on internet I realized that presidents or people related to politics where recognised for their actions. But also, on the list, where poets and musicians, so when I saw the name Violeta Parra a thought about her music and I remember that the last week I saw the movie "Violeta se fue a los cielos", that describe her life.
I don't know if she is the greatest Chilean of all time, but I think that she was and is a good model of Chilean.
Related to her life, she was born on 1917 and had a sacrificed life and because of that, I think that she represent the effort of the people in Chile.
She was someone who always give the best of herself to accomplish her goals, even if she didn't has good economical conditions.
Also she was conscious about her beautiful and incredible musician talent and she used it in an smart and social way, reporting the sacrificed life of some people. Thanks that, she is recognized internationally for being the founder of "Nueva Canción Chilena".
Unfortunetly, she committed suicide in 1967, but nowadays thanks artist like Violeta Parra we can enjoy good music and at the same time create social awareness.
If I could met her in another life, probably I would say thanks to her for the music and maybe I would ask her if she thought that till now we would listening her music.


  1. Violeta was an example of creativity and an example of woman because she was very strong in a hard society.

  2. Also for me was hard to find a "Chilean" person who was sensible to write about it, but always artist, musicians, poets, etc., are worth.

  3. nice. I'm agree she was one of the greatest chilean ever

  4. I am agree with you and I wrote about Violeta too. I love that she changed the way for interpreted the popular music
