Monday 17 November 2014

I love summer

Hey, today I will write a free post that I had to write some weeks ago, but I didn't.
So, I'm going to talk about my favorite season of the year, summer.
Why I love summer?
Because I can feel the warm weather and because of that I can dress up myself with thin and beatiful clothes like dresses, skirt and shorts.
Actually, this period of the year always remember me holidays, time when I can do whatever I want.
Is in summer when happen my favorite celebrations, Christmas and New Year! The best moments to laugh a lot with family, friends and all people that I love.
Also, I like a lot the sea and, of course I love wearing bikini and swimming at the beach. In fact, I stay all day into the water till the sunset.
I think that the only bad thing I can say about summer is that sun is so dangerous, so always I have to worry about wear sunscreen.

Another reason to love summer is that in this period of the year, as a family we take advantage of travelling. Last year we went to San Pedro de Atacama and it was very adventurous.
This summer we will make a bigger travel going to Disney World in United States. Of course, I am very anxious, because my dream since I was a child will be fulfilled.
It will be a great oportunity to have more memories as a family, and also I'll can practise my english.

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