Friday 21 November 2014

Kerry Gold saved Fiona from a raging cow

Today I'm going to tell you the incredible story of a woman who was in her farm and a cow attacked to her and fortunately she was saved by her horse.
Actually, I would have to write about a new related to my career, but I couldn't find one so, when I was searching, I find a better new to write to.

Fiona was in a beautiful day of summer in her Castle Douglas farmhouse making tea for her two years old niece Zara, when her husband called her to move a cow ad its calf out of the paddock. So Fiona left Zara watching a DVD while she went to the paddock.

The woman had to separate the calf from the cow, action that she use to do in the farm, but this time the calf started to bellow and the cow, that was in panic, butted the shoulder of Fiona. She remember she had been taught that once someone is on the ground dairy cows have been known to group together and attack en masse – to kill. She knew she had to be on her feet. But the cow kept pushing her back into the ground with her head.

Fiona was screaming in the ground, but nobody listened her and realised that scape was impossible, so she tucked her head under her arms to protect her neck, waiting another attack from the cow, but unexpectedly the cow moved away. 

The woman was stunned to see her horse, "Kerry Gold", that had galloped and kicked the cow with her back hooves. The cow left and Kerry stood protectively beside Fiona, who was crying and her back was painful. Then she called to her husband and came to help her. 

Fortunately Zara, the niece of Fiona, was absorbed watching the DVD, so she kept in safe.
The family rewarded Kerry Gold with extra apples and carrots, and she continued protecting Fiona.
It has been eight years since the incident... Kerry Gold died two years ago.

I think is a bautiful story and I would like to hear more like this in my future job as anthropologist. If you like to read the whole new here is the link:


Wednesday 19 November 2014


I can remember that the first time I went to the cinema with my family, we watch "Tarzan", a classic and unforgettable film.
Then, when I grew up a little more, I saw a film that for me is one of the great drama movies ever.
The film is Titanic, directed by James Cameron, and I can watch it again and again without feeling bored.
Actually I can't remember exactly how old I was when I saw it for the first time, maybe six years old, but I know I was in my grandmother's house seeing "The best seller" on "TVN".

The movie shows a beatiful love story between Jack and Rose, played by Leonardo DiCaprio and Kate Winslet, respectively. They fall in love in the Titanic, a big ship, but sadly it crush with an iceberg and everything finish in a tragedy with many dead people.

I like this movie, because love stories are one of my favorite types of movies and also because the film transform the Titanic's tragedy in a way to show how was the culture of the epoc, when families arranged marriages and the behavior of the people were part of an act of appearance in front of everyone, in fact, Rose and women in general couldn't behave as she wanted, in a natural way. I think that Jack and Rose show the power of love, because they could be themselves without think in society.

I also think that in the final part of the movie, the couple had enough space on the wood door to keep both alive, but of course, is a film and in spite of that for me this movie continue being good. What do you think obout that?

Monday 17 November 2014

I love summer

Hey, today I will write a free post that I had to write some weeks ago, but I didn't.
So, I'm going to talk about my favorite season of the year, summer.
Why I love summer?
Because I can feel the warm weather and because of that I can dress up myself with thin and beatiful clothes like dresses, skirt and shorts.
Actually, this period of the year always remember me holidays, time when I can do whatever I want.
Is in summer when happen my favorite celebrations, Christmas and New Year! The best moments to laugh a lot with family, friends and all people that I love.
Also, I like a lot the sea and, of course I love wearing bikini and swimming at the beach. In fact, I stay all day into the water till the sunset.
I think that the only bad thing I can say about summer is that sun is so dangerous, so always I have to worry about wear sunscreen.

Another reason to love summer is that in this period of the year, as a family we take advantage of travelling. Last year we went to San Pedro de Atacama and it was very adventurous.
This summer we will make a bigger travel going to Disney World in United States. Of course, I am very anxious, because my dream since I was a child will be fulfilled.
It will be a great oportunity to have more memories as a family, and also I'll can practise my english.

Friday 17 October 2014

Los ribereños de Mundugumor, an interesting text

Since my mother taught me to read, I have always loved to do it.
Of course I'm fine with all the things that I have to read to university and nowadays I'm reading an interesting anthropological text to my class, anthropology II.
The name of the text is "Los ribereños de Mundugumor" and it was wrote by Margaret Mead, an american anthropologist.
The text is about the comparison between cultures, Arapesh and Mundugumor. Both are located in Papua New Guinea, but despite that they are so diferent.
Arapesh are so pacefull, cute and they love each other, specially their children. In fact, since people are babies, they learn that all people around is part of their family.
In contrast, Mundugumor are cannibals, they hate each other and children are a kind of curse, so babies past all days into a basket without adults care. Even when babies cry, people around just brush the basket to stop babies crying.
Actually, I have to recognise that sometimes this text makes me feel sad, because for me babies of Mundugumor are unhappy, but also I understand that is another culture and my understanding of the world is so diferent to the vision of another social group.
Also I would recommend you the text, because instead of the cruel story of mundugumor is entertaining how the autor describe all situations.
In addition is an invitation to rethink our society and our understanding of another societies.

Saturday 11 October 2014

A memorable celebration

A memorable celebration I can remember was a surprise made for a friend of mine. Although it was not for me, I can remember that with my friends, we did a special moment for her and was a good time of unit.

Everything started in March when Andrea, our friend, said to us that she was going to live in USA for a year since July, so we decided to prepare a surprise close party before the travel.

The party had to be close, sensitive and at the same time cheerful, so apart of the surprise party we decided to give her a present made for all together as a memory of our friendship.
We met days before the party to make letters and then we connected them, forming a big big letter.

The day of the party a friend just invited her to her house, but she never imagined that we would be all together saying “surprise!!!”, so we could see the surprised and emotional expression in the face of Andrea.
Then, we started to eat the food that we were prepared, fajitas, and dessert cakes.

After to talk a lot -because since we are at the university meeting opportunities were restricted- we decided to give Andrea the present prepared and then became emotional, finishing all of us crying.

Then everything finished in laughter when a boyfriend of one of us arrived to the house, so quickly we washed our faces and also we fixed the place.

I think that after that party we realized how much we loved each other and our confidence and friendship was strengthened.

Now Andrea is living in USA and we talk each other every day.

Friday 3 October 2014

A good friend of mine

The best moments of my life have been spent with my family and friends. Actually, I have more than one friend, but I'm going to talk about one who is a very adventure girl.
The name of my friend is Nadine and I knew her last year at school. She is from Germany and came to Chile because of an exchange.
We could talk each other, because she knew spanish and english very well, apart that I know a little bit of german.
We were together for 3 months aproximately and since we met, we were friends and we had a lot in common, principally the interest in travels, apart politics and history of different realities, in fact I could learn of her a lot about the german culture and history.
Also I could learn about another religion, because I am catholic and she is evangelical.
I did mention that she is a very adventure girl, because since she is younger she has been around a lot of countries without her parents. Actually, even with the virus "ebola", she is in Ghana as a volunteer and I know that she is so happy and not to worried about being infected.
I don't know when I'm going to see her again, probably in more than a year, but we are sure that our friendship is going to continue, because we have been in contact via facebook and whatsapp.
Also, a few days ago she surprised me, sending me a postal, a lovely and creative way to keep in contact and treasure a memory.

Friday 26 September 2014

The greatest Chilean of all time

I had never thought about the greatest Chilean of all time till now and I didn't know who could have that category.
Investigating on internet I realized that presidents or people related to politics where recognised for their actions. But also, on the list, where poets and musicians, so when I saw the name Violeta Parra a thought about her music and I remember that the last week I saw the movie "Violeta se fue a los cielos", that describe her life.
I don't know if she is the greatest Chilean of all time, but I think that she was and is a good model of Chilean.
Related to her life, she was born on 1917 and had a sacrificed life and because of that, I think that she represent the effort of the people in Chile.
She was someone who always give the best of herself to accomplish her goals, even if she didn't has good economical conditions.
Also she was conscious about her beautiful and incredible musician talent and she used it in an smart and social way, reporting the sacrificed life of some people. Thanks that, she is recognized internationally for being the founder of "Nueva Canción Chilena".
Unfortunetly, she committed suicide in 1967, but nowadays thanks artist like Violeta Parra we can enjoy good music and at the same time create social awareness.
If I could met her in another life, probably I would say thanks to her for the music and maybe I would ask her if she thought that till now we would listening her music.